Volunteer opportunities in Phoenix are around every corner. It’s a great city by any measure. We’ve got almost perfect weather, a rich history, and some of the finest Mexican food you’ve ever tasted. One thing that also thrives here in Phoenix is the previously mentioned volunteer spirit. There are dozens of organizations here that need volunteers. Luckily, there are thousands of caring, kind residents to fill those spots.
If you’ve just moved to Phoenix (or lived here for years) and are looking to volunteer, this article will help! We’ve put together a list of the best volunteer opportunities in the city. We’ve also listed volunteer opportunities for teenagers! So if volunteering in the Grand Canyon State is your goal, read on to find out where!

Volunteering For Christmas in Phoenix
The holidays in Phoenix can be a wonderful time for many. If you’re hungry, homeless, or abused, however, it isn’t nearly as festive. Volunteering around the holidays is a wonderful thing to do. You’ll be helping your Phoenix neighbors to enjoy their holidays much more. Plus, you’ll help yourself to feel the season and truly see its deeper meaning. Below are a few organizations that could use your energy as a Christmas volunteer:
- The Salvation Army
- Arizona Pet Project
- St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance
- Southwest Human Development
- A Place to Call Home
- Ryan House
- Save the Family
- Helen’s Hope Chest
- Ronald McDonald House Charities
DOVES (Daily Overcoming Violence Embracing Safety Network)
Domestic violence is a prominent problem all over America, not just Phoenix. DOVES provides resources that help children heal after domestic violence trauma. DOVES goes directly to churches, businesses, and academic institutions to provide their services. Their goal is to act as a bridge between advocates and agencies. They also provide a safe space for children and adults to promote healing. Volunteering for DOVES takes a lot of courage and strength. Please consider DOVES when searching for a volunteer opportunity in Phoenix.
Packages From Home
When Kathleen Lewis’ son went to fight in Iraq, she didn’t want him to miss the comforts of home. To help, she started sending him regular care packages filled with goodies. An idea was born, and soon Packages From Home was sending care packages to the entire platoon. In 2019, they sent over 10,000 care packages to more than 20,000 active duty military members. That included 45,000 pounds of food and over 6000 pounds of hygiene products. It even included over 300 pounds of supplies for the military’s K-9 dogs! Like the other organizations on this list, Packages From Home needs volunteers. If you’re 12 years old or older, you can also volunteer there on Saturdays.
Volunteer Opportunities for Teenagers in Phoenix
Everyone should learn the value of volunteering, including kids. If you’re a teenager (or you have one at home), teaching them about volunteering is easy. Sign them up for a volunteer job at one of the worthy organizations or charities below. All of them are looking for teens who care and want to give back to the Phoenix area:
- Tempe Municipal Volunteer Program
- Families Giving Back
- Child Crisis Arizona
- Arizona Humane Society
- Keep America Beautiful
- United Food Bank
Phoenix Rescue Mission
The Phoenix Rescue Mission is one of the largest volunteer organizations in Phoenix. If you’re looking for a volunteer opportunity in the morning, they need volunteers from 9 AM to 1 AM five days a week. You’ll help sort, box, and bag food, clean up and help families take food to their car. That’s only part of what Phoenix Rescue Mission does, which we think is amazing. If a weekend, after school, or morning volunteer opportunity is what you seek, do give them a call.
More Excellent Volunteer Opportunities in Phoenix
There are dozens of worthwhile organizations here in Phoenix that need your help. The only problem is that to list them all would take much more space than we have available. Instead, here’s a list of some of the best. All are definitely worth your valuable volunteering time and effort.
- Grand Canyon Institute
- Angelica Hospice and Palliative Care
- Your Art Your Story
- Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation
- Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona

Thank You for Volunteering, Phoenix
In closing, no matter where you decide to volunteer in the Phoenix metro area, everyone here at Storage Solutions wants to thank you. Your energy will go a long way towards making Phoenix a better place to live and work. It takes a lot to be a volunteer, but you get a lot back, including pride, friendship, and camaraderie. So please consider volunteering for one of the fine organizations and charities above.