Every home has a fair amount of household chores. As your kids grow, there is increasingly more and more work to be done. Yet, it’s important for every family member to play their part. This leads to the need of assigning chores to your kids.
Why Should Chores be Assigned

When kids do chores, it instills several important skills and attitudes. For one thing, it teaches them to focus and concentrate on a given task. They also learn that sometimes you have to put effort into things – even though it may feel unpleasant. By doing chores, kids learn that work is a necessary part of human life.
On the other hand, if kids don’t have chores they don’t learn the value of work. They won’t have as much respect for the things they own or use in the home. Even worse, they may expect everything to be done for them. They could end up frustrated later in life, when they discover the world doesn’t owe them anything.
What is a Chore

What you define as a chore largely depends on you and your lifestyle. In general, the term refers to any work that contributes to others’ well-being in your home. For example, ironing your own jeans is not a chore – that’s something you do for yourself. But, cleaning up the kitchen floor is a chore since it adds to everyone’s comfort.
How to Assign Chores in the Household

To begin with, you can make a list of things that need to be done at home on a regular basis. Include things like cleaning, feeding your dog, washing up, and watering your garden. Take some time to think of how much time each task requires.
It’s a good idea to divide house chores into two groups. In the first group, you have things that need to become habits. For instance, washing up the dishes is something that has to be done every day. It should be clear when and how each of these tasks must be done. You should also have rules that explain what happens if these tasks are not done. As an example, you can stop them from watching TV till they take care of their chores.
In the second group, you have things that could be done on a voluntary basis. These are things you’d do in your spare time, such as wiping skirting boards or cleaning the bathroom sink. You should then have a reward system that encourages your kids to get these things done. Rewards could be things like extra pocket money or more time to play video games.
Assigning Chores by Age
Yes, you should keep in mind each child’s age. Assigning chores by age will help ensure that they’re not overwhelmed. Also, pay attention to what they already try to do on their own. For instance, toddlers will often volunteer to do chores without being prompted.
On the flip side, children sometimes refuse to take part in household chores. It’s important that you hold them accountable. You can use a chore chart as a strategy to keep track of what needs to be done. Also, there have to be consequences if they choose not to do their share of responsibility in the home. As hard as it may be, you must follow through with any warning you issue in this regard.
Another important point is to teach them how to do each task correctly. In the beginning, you’ll need to supervise your kids as well as train them in each task. This may take some time but in the end, it will make your life easier.
There is no escaping the fact that assigning household chores comes with some tough love. At the same time, chores can become a source of pride. Your kids will love the feeling of accomplishment every time you let them know they’ve done a good job. Plus, you’ll also help build a stronger sense of being a family unit. So, go ahead and start applying these tips today!