If you’re an American, you’ve probably moved before. That’s because, in the United States, we move more than almost any other country! We move for love, for jobs, for better money, and better weather too. If you’re moving to another state sometime soon, this article will help. In it, we’ll talk about what to do when moving to another state. We’ve gathered all sorts of great tips and advice to make your move out of state less stressful.
Tip #1: Start Planning Well in Advance
Moving out of state is, in a word, crazy. There’s so much to do, plan, and coordinate, you’ll feel like you’re being pulled six ways to Sunday! That’s why, when moving interstate (from one state to another), it pays to start planning early. How early? Try 2 to 3 months (if not a bit more). Here’s the thing; moving involves many different parts. The mover will handle most of those parts, but many will still be your responsibility. (Gathering the kids’ school and immunization information, for example.) If you wait until the last minute, you’ll get severely stressed out because of all the things you need to do.

Tip #2: Make Lots of Lists When Moving to Another State
One of the best tips we can give you when moving from one state to another is to use lists. Lists help you keep track of what you need to do and what you’ve already done. Even better, as you accomplish specific tasks, you can cross them off your list. That way, you know they’re done and don’t need your further attention. We suggest starting a plan and, every time you think of something you need to do, adding it. There are plenty of list apps available for your smartphone that can make this much more comfortable.
Tip #3: Get Estimates When Moving to Another State
If you plan to use a moving company, you should get moving estimates early. This is especially true in summer when they’re all much busier. (The kids are out of school on summer break.) We also suggest getting three or four estimates but no more (and no less). If you get too few, you won’t have a good range of assessments and prices. If you get too many, it can get confusing as you try to determine which estimate is the most accurate. Also, getting your moving estimates early allows you to ask questions and make an educated choice. If you wait too long, you might have to settle for the only company that has availability. In some situations, that could mean forcing you to use the mover with the highest prices.
Tip #4: Pack Yourself to Save Money When Moving
An interstate move can get quite expensive, no doubt. One of the most significant expenses is packing, including boxes and labor. Many things in your home, however, can quickly be filled by you and other family members. Also, it’s easy to find used moving boxes and save yourself even more money. (We suggest going on Craigslist where, in most cities, you’ll find moving boxes for free.) Now, to be sure, there are some things you might want to leave to the professionals to pack—large mirrors and glass, for example or large fish tanks. You might also want your mover to fill all of the fragile things in your kitchen or dining room. In short, pack everything relatively easy and non-fragile and let the movers pack the rest. Here are some things that are easy to pack:
- Clothing
- Books (Use small boxes!)
- Toys
- Linens and towels
- Plasticware
- Hanging clothes
- Photo albums
- Sports equipment
- Small tools
- Non-fragile collectibles

Tip #5: Have a Yard Sale to Save Money on Moving
When it comes to what to do when moving to another state, paring down is vital. That’s because movers, when moving from one state to another, charge based on the amount of weight you ship. In other words, the weight of all of your things combined once it’s all loaded on the truck. With that in mind, if you want to save money, the easiest way to do it is to get rid of as much as possible. To do that, a yard sale is the best solution. Not only will you save money, but you might also actually make a few extra bucks too! We suggest putting a free ad on Craigslist (it’s easy) and putting up street signs on the sale day. Remember, the more you sell, the less your move will cost! (And the less you’ll have to pack, too!)
Tip #6: Rent a Self Storage Unit At Your Destination
One frequent problem when moving to another state is when the closing on your new home falls through. If it does, you might have to put your household goods into storage at your mover’s warehouse. This can be quite expensive, which is why we recommend renting a self-storage unit. With a self-storage unit, you will save money. They’re safe, clean, and comfortable to access too. Plus, storage units typically have 24/7 security and on-site managers to keep everything secure.
Tip #7: Moving Out Of State During School Year
Are you heading off to college or university? You’ll be glad to know that the tips and advice above work for your move to school, too! Start planning early, pack things yourself, get rid of something, etc. That way, your move will be much less stressful, and your school year will be more enjoyable. In all likelihood, you will have much less than someone moving their entire home. That’s good news because, with less to move, there’s less stress, less loss, and fewer mistakes.

Now You Know What to Do When Moving to Another State
If you’re moving to another state soon, we highly suggest you start planning your move right now. Again, the earlier you start, the less stress, problems, and mistakes you’ll have when moving day arrives. We wish you the very best of luck with your move and as little stress as possible! Wherever you’re moving, we hope that you love your new home and your new life!